Did you know you can use ‘negative’ emotions to uplevel your life? Read on for these life-changing mindset shifts.
January 14, 2023
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Are Negative Emotions Actually ‘Negative’
We’re so used to categorizing things.
My moon is in Virgo — Type A — so my brain loves to sort information, ideas, and even emotions into their ‘proper’ place.
But in the past couple of years, I’ve become more mindful about categorizing and how it shapes my perception. Because the moment we categorize something, we attach a belief to it, and that belief doesn’t always benefit us.
I had a major ah-ha moment when I realized that emotions are almost always categorized into “positive” or “negative,” yet, every single one of them can be helpful to us. Especially the ones we typically consider to be negative.
Related Post: How to Clear these 5 Common Manifestation Blocks
Resistance to ‘Negative’ Emotions
Sometimes, our ego tells us that in order to be a “good person,” “better person,” “or peaceful person,” we shouldn’t feel certain emotions.
This is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the spiritual community: the illusion that being spiritual means only focusing on the emotions that you believe are ‘good’ or ‘high-vibe.’ This is also referred to as spiritual bypassing.
All emotions exist for a reason.
Not only do they help with the flow and release of energy, each emotion carries extremely helpful information about your inner world.
They’re keys to the most amazing opportunities to advance and grow in your life.
You just need to learn how to use them to your advantage.
Here are 4 emotions you can use to powerfully uplevel your life.
Jealousy can be an uncomfortable and destructive emotion.
But with a mindset shift, it becomes a treasure chest of information and can be the ultimate catalyst to remove manifestation blocks and uplevel your life.
In a nutshell, Jealousy is a window into your desires.
Behind jealousy is a lack mentality. Your ego tells you that because someone has what you want, you can’t. But it’s completely untrue.
What to do:
1: When you’re jealous of someone, dive into the “why.”
Ask yourself these questions:
- What do they have that I want?
- Why do I want it so much?
- What am I doing that’s preventing me from getting what I want?
- What’s preventing me from celebrating this person?
2: Take responsibility for the fact that you don’t have what you want. By doing that, you move the ego aside so you can uncover any motivational or manifestation blocks you may have.
3: Remind yourself that the universe times things perfectly. You may need to move through the jealousy as a life lesson. And what you want may be just around the corner.
4: Celebrate others’ success. By celebrating someone else’s success, you’re sending out a message to the universe that you have the ability to hold that success too. And in terms of frequency and the law of attraction, it’s also allowing you to move into resonance with the thing you want because by celebrating it, you’ve connected to its energy.
5: Let them be your guide. The fact that they have what you want, is evidence that it’s possible. If you know the person, ask them questions about their journey and mindset. If you don’t know them, simply use them as a guide — a way-shower to what’s possible.
Your anger guides you to the disempowered and unhealed aspects within.
It’s usually brought on by a trigger — an open wound buried deep inside. And without that trigger going off, you’d never know it was there.
Your buried wounds may seem dormant when they’re not triggered, but they’re actually very active. They’re what create subconscious beliefs that have a direct impact on your decision-making and energetic vibration. They’re also what can create ‘dis-ease’ that can often result in actual physical disease in the body.
When you embrace the discomfort of your anger, allow it to move through you, and dive into the wound beneath it, you can heal it and take away its power to blindside you.
And once you heal a subconscious wound, you’ll heal the belief and subconscious behaviours behind it that have been holding you back.
What to do:
Here’s a post entirely about how to use your triggers for empowerment and healing.
Shame shows you where you’re denying yourself love.
Do you have cringe-worthy memories? Events from long ago that are burned into your mind? Mistakes that you wish you could take back?
That’s shame, my friend.
What to do:
1: Every time your mind wanders back into a memory that sets off pangs of regret in your gut, remind yourself:
- You did your best with the knowledge and experience you had at the time.
- The fact that you’re uncomfortable with past actions means you’ve grown.
- The ‘you’ from the past doesn’t need to be shamed, she needs to be loved.
2: Breath into the shame. Take full deep breaths to allow it to pass through.
3: Say in your mind or out loud “It’s safe for me to take full responsibility for the past.”
4: Now, visualize yourself embracing the ‘you’ from the past, tell her it’s okay, you forgive her, you love her, and it’s time to move on.
And if at any moment you find your mind wandering back into a memory, instead of rehashing it, focus on the above visualization of you supporting your past self and loving her.
This is a simple self-love practice that will directly influence your feelings of confidence and worth. Because when you exemplify that you’ll support and love yourself rather than punish yourself when things don’t go as planned, you deepen your self-trust.
Trusting yourself = having confidence in yourself.
And trust and confidence are what fuel the ideas and actions that will uplevel your life.
In the past few years, fear’s rapidly risen to the surface of humanity’s collective shadow, which in turn, means it’s rising in each of us individually.
But fear can be a powerful tool when you shift your mindset. Because fear is a portal to life-changing transformation.
Jack Canfield said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” And through personal experience, I believe it.
Fear of Taking Risks & The Unknown
Egos aren’t comfortable with the unknown. This means yours isn’t comfortable with change, transformation, growth, and up-leveling your life. It will trigger a fear response if it senses any of that on the horizon.
So, if you’re feeling fearful, you can take that as a hint you’re moving in the direction of your highest potential.
What to do:
Walk through the fear.
Take a step forward. And then another, and another. You don’t have to run through the fear with your sword drawn, just begin to get curious about it, begin to see it for the illusion that it is, and begin to navigate through it.
The more you step into the unknown and do the things that scare you, the more you’ll develop courage and confidence.
And physiologically, on the other side of the fear portal is dopamine. Your body likes dopamine. So, you’ll naturally rewire your brain to want to move through more fear in order to receive your shot of the happy neurotransmitter.
Use this affirmation: My courage leads me to a beautiful and miraculous life.
Nothing will uplevel your life faster than walking through your fears.
It’s a POWERFUL life hack.
Trauma-Based Fear
If you have fears of being victimized, it’s an invitation to go inwards and confront the triggers and the ‘why’ behind those fears. The fear is typically a response to your inner child feeling disempowered.
Action Steps:
EFT/tapping, Rapid Transformational Therapy, and EMDR therapy are great tools to help move through fear associated with trauma.
The book How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera may also be a helpful resource.
If you’re dealing with intense trauma, especially from a life event, don’t attempt to do the work alone. Find a practitioner that can help you.
Shift your Mindset & Uplevel Your Life
These so-called ‘negative’ emotions can have a positive impact the moment you shift your mindset.
I invite you to stop villainizing them and start connecting with them.
Because once you start seeing them as tools and using them to your advantage, you will miraculously uplevel your life.
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