If you’re looking for the best crystals for babies that are also gorgeous, affordable decor pieces, you’ll find them here.
March 16, 2021
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I spent wayyy too much time researching the best crystals for her room. Here’s why it was challenging:
They needed to …
- benefit her wellbeing
- look beautiful and stylish in her room
- not cost a fortune for large specimens
I LOVE the look of rough, freeform crystals as statement pieces in a room — and I also didn’t want any stones that would be small enough for my daughter to pick up and put in her mouth. I follow the if it can fit through a toilet paper roll, it’s a hazard rule.
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Blue calcite
I am a huge fan of calcite. It’s a type of stone with gentle energy that’s found on every continent, making it widely available and reasonably priced. And it comes in a variety of forms and colours — so you can select the one most suited to your needs.
Since calcites are relatively inexpensive, you can get a large specimen without a crazy price tag.
Blue calcite has a soothing impact on the emotional body, so I knew it would be great for a baby trying to make sense of her new physical reality. And since babies are more psychically aware and often energetically sensitive, it’s awesome because it softens the effect of psychic stimuli.
I also wanted a stone to help my daughter move easily in and out of her body during her sleep state — since I read that babies do a lot of out-of-body travelling — and blue calcite provides a field of protective blue spiritual light that helps one to move gently from the physical to astral realms.
Want it?
Here’s where you can find one on Etsy.
Pink calcite
Like blue calcite, this stone is calming and soothing. It’s an amazing stone to help ease hysterical emotion, so I figured it would come in handy as my daughter grew into a toddler.
It’s very healing for the emotional body and helps remove emotional blocks. It also provides a connection to divine love and activates the heart chakra.
Want it?
Here’s where you can find one on Etsy.
Selenite is another widely available stone that’s reasonably priced.
It looks a lot like crystal quartz but is entirely different. (I don’t recommend putting crystal quarts in a child’s room because it’s an amplifier and can heighten emotions — like little ones need more of that!)
Selenite helps open the higher chakras allowing easier communication with spirit guides and guardian angels. It works well with any other combination of stones and is an excellent stone for cleansing the auric field and removing any negative blockages.
I purchased a selenite lamp (in the image above). It’s a large piece of stone, hollowed with a light inside of it — like a salt lamp — that can dim. It’s SO beautiful when lit up in the evenings.
Want it?
Here’s where you can find one on Etsy.
Rose quartz
Like blue calcite, this stone is emotionally soothing and calms and cleanses the auric field.
Known as the stone of love, it activates the heart chakra and provides a vibration of pure love. It helps resolve any tension and stress, reduce fear and enhance trust in the universe. It’s a great protective stone for children since it transforms negativity into compassionate understanding for those around it.
The stone I purchased is a gorgeous deep pink. It was a bit pricier so it’s the smallest of the four but was still affordable enough to get a decent size.
Want it?
Here’s where you can find one on Etsy.
- Amethyst: protection; clears energetic field; divine connection (amethyst geodes are stunning but depending on the size can be pricey so instead place a bag of amethyst chips or small polished stones in a vase or mason jar).
- Amber: warmth; protection; light energy (note, amber’s actually a tree resin but beautiful and beneficial like a crystal).
- Green calcite: emotional balance; clears stress from the heart chakra; pleasant dreams.
To ensure you buy high-quality specimens, it’s so important to do some homework on the seller (I’ve seen quartz crystals dyed purple to look like amethysts — so sad!). Definitely read reviews and even connect with the seller directly.
A very important thing to note about both selenite and calcite is that they are soft stones, meaning pieces can chip off.
But whether soft or hard stones, for safety, place crystals up high where your babe can’t reach them.
Use your mama intuition and choose the stone that resonates most with you. You know what’s best for your babe.
- Go to a crystal shop, hold the stones in your hands, and get a feel for them.
- Before your fall asleep, ask your guides (or if you’re pregnant hold your hand on your belly and ask your baby) to give you a sign.
- Look through a crystal book and note which ones stand out to you.
If you’re doing your own research, I recommend The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. It’s where I gathered most of the above info and it’s by far my favourite crystal book with lots of amazing detail on hundreds of stones.
Enjoy the crystal shopping!
Looking for a meaningful and unique baby name? Mama, I’ve got you covered! Visit the SbL baby name library.
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